Marine Corps League
Uniform Regulations
Basic Uniform
The minimum Marine Corps League uniform is the Basic Cover. While wearing the Basic Cover, you are considered in uniform and under arms. The cover is worn indoors and out at all times, even in church, and is removed only during prayer when it is placed over your heart. The Basic Cover is the single most important part of the uniform, without which, no other part is authorized to be worn. The cover and all attachments are purchased through the Marine Corps League.
The Past National Commandants are authorized to wear a Gold with White crown cover. Past Department Commandant, Past Pack Leader, Past Detachment Commandant, Past Chief Devil Dog of the Military Order of the Devil Dogs, Past National Director of Young Marines and Past National Executive Director, with the years displayed for holding that office, are the only members who are authorized to wear their respective cover after their tour of duty is completed. All other members will revert back to an appropriate cover for their current elected or appointed office, removing their prior officer identification strips.
Pins, ornaments, or ribbons are not authorized for wear on the MCL cover.
Nothing goes on the Basic Cover, except the Marine Corps Emblem on the left side and approved identification strips or embroidering on the right side. The Marine Corps emblem should be the solid gold emblem, not a Marine officer's gold and silver emblem. Identification strips should be worn to indicate “current” offices only, except as authorized by the Uniform Code for “Past Commandants". "Past Commandant" may be embroidered as this is a lifetime title. It must be small enough, as to be covered by a strip denoting any current office held.
If a strip is worn to denote current office, it will be worn above the detachment name and centered. The "LIFE" strip should be worn to the rear of the right side. The "LIFE MEMBER" strip should be worn the same as the identification strips are worn. That is, centered on the right side of the cover. The "LIFE" and "LIFE MEMBER" strips are two different strips. Tradition is that the "LIFE MEMBER" strip would be worn above other strips, such as a current officer strip.
Although it isn't spelled out in the Uniform Code, the detachment name should be embroidered on the right side, 1/2" to 3/4" up from the bottom of the cover, centered left to right and abbreviated, if necessary.
Summer Undress Uniform
The following items are required for the Summer Undress Uniform.
The Dress Blue Trousers - The Dress Blue trousers with the red NCO stripe are worn with the Undress Uniform, along with the Marine Corps web belt and brass buckle. It should be pointed out that the Dress Blue trousers have the red NCO stripe, not the wider Officers stripe.
The Black Trousers (Optional) - Black trousers with a black belt and square gold buckle with the Marine Corps Emblem may be optionally worn with both Undress Uniforms. The belt can be either the wide leather belt or the narrow dress belt. The wide leather belt is worn with the large square buckle with the Marine Corps Emblem on it. The narrow dress belt with the smaller buckle, also having the Marine Corps Emblem (ratchet belt), satisfies the black dress belt option. The trousers are purchased at any clothing store. The bottom of the cuff, should just reach the top of the heel sole of the shoes.
Short Sleeve Shirt - The Short Sleeve Undress Uniform shirt will be an aviator style shirt, with two (2) button down breast pockets and shoulder epaulets. It will have a military crease running top to bottom, centered on each pocket and three creases on the back. The Marine Corps League Shoulder Patch is worn on the left shoulder, centered on the crease, 1-1/2" down from the shoulder seam. The Field Forward American Flag Patch will be worn on the right shoulder, centered on the crease, 1-1/2" down from the shoulder seam. (Devil Dog members shall wear the Military Order of Devil Dogs patch on the right shoulder in lieu of the American Flag). The Sunburst Insignias are worn on each collar, centered, 1/2" from both edges, with the eagles wings parallel to the deck. The name tag may be worn above the right breast pocket, centered and 1/8" above the top of the flap. Either Marine Corps League ribbons or Department of Defense ribbons and badges may be worn above the left breast pocket, centered, 1/8" above the top of the flap. Marine Corps League and Department of Defense ribbons can't be mixed. Ribbons are to be worn in rows not exceeding four ribbons per row, for multiple awards. If the top row has fewer ribbons than the lower rows, they are to be centered on the lower rows.
The Military Order of the Devil Dogs Collar (as rated) may be worn around the neck, under the shirt collar.
The Black Dress Shoes - The shoes should be black leather oxfords, either corafram type, or highly shined. The uppers on the toes should be flat leather, with no seams. Rubber or leather soles may be worn. Black socks, should be worn, also. No taps are authorized.
Winter Undress Uniform
The following items are required for the Winter Undress Uniform.
The Dress Blue Trousers (Optional) - The Dress Blue trousers with the red NCO stripe are worn with the Undress Uniform, along with the Marine Corps web belt and brass buckle. It should be pointed out that the Dress Blue trousers have the red NCO stripe, not the wider Officers stripe.
The Black Trousers - Black trousers with a black belt and square gold buckle with the Marine Corps Emblem are worn with both Undress Uniforms. The belt can be either the wide leather belt or the narrow dress belt. The wide leather belt is worn with the large square buckle with the Marine Corps Emblem on it. The narrow dress belt with the smaller buckle, also having the Marine Corps Emblem (rachet belt), satisfies the black dress belt option. The trousers are purchased at any clothing store. The bottom of the cuff, should just reach the top of the heel sole of the shoes.
Long Sleeve Shirt - The Long Sleeve Undress Uniform shirt will be an aviator style shirt, with two (2) button down breast pockets and shoulder epaulets. It will have a military crease running top to bottom, centered on each pocket and three creases on the back. The Marine Corps League Shoulder Patch is worn on the left shoulder, centered on the crease, 1-1/2" down from the shoulder seam. The Field Forward American Flag Patch will be worn on the right shoulder, centered on the crease, 1-1/2" down from the shoulder seam. The Sunburst Insignias are worn on each collar, centered, 1/2" from both edges, with the eagles wings parallel to the deck. The name tag may be worn above the right breast pocket, centered and 1/8" above the top of the flap. Either Marine Corps League ribbons or Department of Defense ribbons and badges may be worn above the left breast pocket, centered, 1/8" above the top of the flap. Marine Corps League and Department of Defense ribbons can't be mixed. Ribbons are to be worn in rows not exceeding four ribbons per row, for multiple awards. If the top row has fewer ribbons than the lower rows, they are to be centered on the lower rows. The tie and tie bar are worn the same as the Casual Uniform.
The Black Necktie - The necktie should be a plain flat black tie with a Marine Corps League or Marine Corps gold tie bar. The tie is available at any clothing store, but the tie bar is purchased through the Marine Corps League or you may wear the Marine Corps issued gold tie bar. No other tie bar is authorized. No tie tacks, no tie colors other than black, and no embroidered or other designs on the tie are authorized. Just a simple, plain, black, tie. A clip on tie may be worn, or if using a regular tie, a four in hand knot is recommended.
The Military Order of the Devil Dogs Collar (as rated) may be worn around the neck, under the shirt collar.
The Black Dress Shoes - The shoes should be black leather oxfords, either corafram type, or highly shined. The uppers on the toes should be flat leather, with no seams. Rubber or leather soles may be worn. Black socks, should be worn, also. No taps are authorized.
Casual Uniform
The Casual Uniform, also referred to as the Red Blazer Uniform is shown here.
The following items are required for the Casual Uniform.
The Red Blazer - The red blazer is available at clothiers outside the Marine Corps League. All attached items are ordered through the Marine Corps League's (Ship's Store). The buttons it comes with, must be removed and in their place Marine Corps League buttons sewn. There will be two (2) MCL buttons on the front of the blazer and three (3) MCL buttons on each sleeve. The Marine Corps League Crest is worn on the left breast pocket, about 1/4" below the lower half of the pocket cuff and centered on the pocket. The Marine Corps League Crest pocket insert may be worn in place of the standard crest, and the commercially sold plastic sleeve insert with permanently set Marine Corps Seal may also be worn. The blazer pocket insert with engraved emblem, name and detachment info may be ordered through the detachment.
The MCL Member, MCL Life Member, 5 Year, 10 Year, etc., pins are worn in the left lapel button hole. Other pins are also authorized, but never more than two (2) at a time, on the left lapel. The Past National Commandant pin may be worn inboard with the National Marine of the Year outboard. National Marine of the Year pin may be worn inboard, with a Past Department or Detachment Commandant, or other Member pin outboard. Kennel Devil Dog of the Year pin may be worn outboard of the National Marine of the Year pin. The Chapel of Four Chaplains pin, may also be worn. The medal and ribbon presented by the Chapel of Four Chaplains may be worn around the neck with this uniform. It should be worn over top of the neck tie.
The name tag is not worn with this uniform. Large medals are never to be worn on the red blazer. Sunburst insignias are never to be worn with the red blazer. Miniature medals, ribbons, and badges are not to be worn on the red blazer, except when the blazer is worn as an optional jacket of the Formal Uniform, and then only miniature medals may be worn.
The White Shirt - The shirt can be either long sleeve or short sleeve, but must be plain white in color. This shirt can be purchased at any clothing store. The shirt should have a plain collar. Sunburst insignias are not worn with the “Casual” uniform. Ribbons and badges are not to be worn with the "Casual" uniform. Patches are not worn with the "Casual" uniform. No devices, pins, badges or patches of any kind are to be worn with the "Casual" uniform. Just the shirt, tie and prescribed tie bar, described in the tie section below.
The Black Trousers - Black trousers with a black belt and square gold buckle with the Marine Corps Emblem are to be worn with the Casual Uniform. The belt can be either the wide leather belt or the narrow dress belt. The wide leather belt is worn with the large square buckle with the Marine Corps Emblem on it. Both are available through National. The narrow dress belt with the smaller buckle, also having the Marine Corps Emblem, satisfies the black dress belt option, see your Detachment Paymaster about how to order these items. The trousers are purchased at any clothing store. The bottom of the cuff, should just reach the top of the heel sole of the shoes. Dress blue trousers with red stripe are not authorized with the Casual Uniform. Sansabelt trousers are not authorized with the Casual Uniform.
The Black Necktie - The necktie should be a plain flat black tie with a Marine Corps League or Marine Corps gold tie bar. The tie is available at any clothing store, but the tie bar is purchased through the Marine Corps League or you may wear the Marine Corps issued gold tie bar. No other tie bar is authorized. No tie tacks, no tie colors other than black, and no embroidered or other designs on the tie are authorized. Just a simple, plain, black, tie. A clip on tie may be worn, or if using a regular tie, a four in hand knot is recommended.
The Military Order of the Devil Dogs Collar (as rated) may be worn around the neck, under the shirt collar.
The Black Dress Shoes - The shoes should be black leather oxfords, either corafram type, or highly shined. The uppers on the toes should be flat leather, with no seams. Rubber or leather soles may be worn. Black socks, should be worn, also. No taps are authorized.
Formal Uniform
The following items are required for the Formal Uniform.
The Formal Uniform will consist of the Basic Cover, as with all other uniforms.
The shirt will be a formal pleated shirt, with a standard collar and no ruffles.
The tie will be a black, military, bow tie.
The shirt will have gold cuff links and gold studs.
The Chapel of Four Chaplains medal may be worn with this uniform, as an option and the Marine Corps League Blazer Crest or Bullion Seal is optional when miniature medals are worn.
The red mess jacket is worn with this uniform, but the red blazer may be worn as an option, due to the high cost of the red mess jacket, which is ordered through an outside clothier. If the red mess jacket is worn, it will be a medium weight gabardine material with Marine Corps League buttons, a gold waist chain and the Sunburst Insignia in locating holes in the jacket collar. The buttons are sewn on, three to a sleeve and three on either side of the waist. A gold cummerbund or gold vest front is to be worn with this uniform. They are both sold through the Ships Store and the Marine Shop.
The Military Order of the Devil Dogs Collar (as rated) may be worn around the neck, under the shirt collar.
Black tuxedo pants are worn with this uniform, but black trousers are an accepted option. The belt and buckle can be either of the belts worn with the Casual Uniform. Shoes and socks are the same as the Casual Uniform.
When wearing the red mess jacket, large medals may be worn as prescribed in enclosure 3 and illustrated in the section for "medals, ribbons and badges. When wearing the red blazer, miniature medals are authorized. However, large medals are not.

Uniform Regs & Vendor Sources
Uniform Vendors
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Local Embroidery for uniforms
C & Dee Embroidery (Charles & Delores Snipes)
396 S. Potter Rd.
Lancaster, SC 29720 (803) 285-6157